Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The only cat not fighting

I was being nice....feeding a homeless cat...pausing to pet it's head and bam!!!!! This is a case of biting the hand that feeds you! It took no mercy...and today my hand is tender...hopefully from just the bites and not anything more serious. Sure wished my neighbor would keep her attack cat home. With dog days here I sure am watching this hoping you all are having a better week than I am!


  1. Yikes! cat bites are quite bad. i had one two years ago and ended up in ER. Sure hope you take care and clean it well.

  2. I, too, sympathize and know that you will seek further care if you need it. I was bitten many years ago on the hand by a cat that wouldn't let go--very scary. I was at the home of the owner & she assured me the cat stayed inside & had all its shots so I thought no more about it.

  3. Scarey. I hope this will be ok. No more petting strays for you!!
