I made this tutu from a youtube video I found for one of the grand daughters already here. I know 2 of them will be finding out the sex of their child in mid August and early September. Not sure if the other one is going to find out or be surprised...either way I have been looking at videos for rag quilts and looking at baby material! It's a happy time here for sure. Hope all is right in your world and big hugs to you all!
Bellesanbeaus Crafts
Monday, July 25, 2011
The BIG news
I made this tutu from a youtube video I found for one of the grand daughters already here. I know 2 of them will be finding out the sex of their child in mid August and early September. Not sure if the other one is going to find out or be surprised...either way I have been looking at videos for rag quilts and looking at baby material! It's a happy time here for sure. Hope all is right in your world and big hugs to you all!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Christmas in July
I am seriously thinking about doing the craft show circut this fall. And with that in mind I thought how cute this idea was when I seen it on someone else's blog...so sorry I don't remember whose...memory is a horrible thing to loose. I am still going strong with the flat spiral bracelets but started some earrings last night. It is too funny to watch me with my youtube video, 2 needles and beads at this small computer desk trying to learn RAW!!! You know it's bad when you laugh at yourself!
We are currently involved in a heat wave here in Ohio...think most of the country is feeling it too, so it kinda nice to turn the air on and make Christmas things. Try and keep cool out there and as always ...big hugs to all
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Hello again
Wow I seriously need to start posting more! May was the last time I posted? Seriously...May? I love summer but this one has been crazy! Busy time but good times. First off we are going to be having 2 new grandbabies next year...both daughter and daughter-in-love are expecting new bundles of gramma kissables in January and in February (hoping one is on my birthday! lol)
My next bit of news is so awesome! I won a $500.00 shopping spree at http://www.limabeads.com !!! If you have not shopped there...run right now and check them out! They have this awesome contest open still and they have the BEST customer service! I get my orders so quickly from them and I love their quality. It was such hard work to spend that much...but I did it! So now I am off to teach myself some more stitches! Hope you all are having an awesome summer! Oh and by the way...the picture above only shows half my spending!!! lol Big hugs to all!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Jack's Mother's Day
This is my Grandson Jack saying hello to you all. (Actually he is telling me how many Jelly Beans he wanted...but it's just as cute)
As many of you know this little guy is at my house every morning at 7:30 a.m. Monday thru Friday. His Mommy and Daddy work full time jobs so it is my contribution to the family to watch him and bypass the crazy outlandish prices of daycare here.
My daughter, as well I am sure a lot of working mommies, suffers from terrible guilt not being able to be with her only child. Our family has also had to endure the pain of 2 miscarriages last year with her. So in an effort to cheer her up, Jack and I made her this last minute gift today for her for Mother's Day. We hope you all have a wonderful Mother's Day, and as always...from our home to yours...BIG HUGS!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011
May need to build an ark
I think we just past our 400thmillionbizillionquadrillion day of rain! I always wondered what Washington state weather was like...we always heard it rains everyday there....I now know...and don't like it!!! Here in Ohio we do have seasons...spring, summer, fall and winter. Now some may only last a few days and some may last long after they are suppost to be gone (winter usually is guilty of hanging on wayy after the party is over) but I think we must add a new season. RAIN. We have it during every season so we may as well give it the due! I think the new line up would go soemthing like this....Rain, spring, rain, summer,rain, fall, rain winter, rain. Not sure the kids would get time out for it like spring and summer but they may as well...with the colds associated with getting wet and cold they loose school time. The Flu-season could be changed to the Flu/rain season. Can you tell I am just a little over the rain??? lol ok then enuf said...on to other news.

I have just about flat spiraled my way out of bracelets. I keep saying I am going to learn a new stitch...and I honestly have! Then it doesn't look right so I tear it out and go right back to this stitch....knowing it won't disappoint me. What surprised me more after looking at the bracelets is that I normally work with only blue and purple. If I am looking to buy beads...straight to the blues and purples. Fabric...the same and most of all my clothing! Surprise...not a blue or purple bracelet to be found in the bunch! lol I do have a light lavendar one that still needs it's toggle...but thats it!
I still have more seed beads than any normal person ought to and am ever seeking the simple pattern for those.
My other news is coming soon and in it's honor I am thinking we must do a give-away. But that news is a bit off yet...hehe...how mean is that? Hoping you all are not floating away like us...have an awesome week...big hugs from our waterlogged home to yours!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
new things

Yep....number 7 grandbaby is here. Miss Aryelle Faye came into our family on April 14. She is shown here with her big sister Miss Belle. I can't wait to meet her in person...this is the thing that hurts the most when your kids live so far away...watching your babies grow up in pictures. My son now has 4 daughters...some days I feel sorry for him...he's so out numbered! He and my daughter-in-law touched our hearts so much..they named this baby with my Grandmothers middle name.
On other news...I am still trying to learn a differant stitch...I have 2 in mind so maybe I can catch up with my quoata of a new stitch a month for the new year....so far I'm not winning this race, but, on the other hand...I may be ahead if you count that I know how to string, have done 2 needle RAW once (with good results) and at one time designed 5 differant beaded collars for Christmas ornaments. I am working my way up to peyote so I can bead around one of my own cabs!!! lol I think this last bracelet shown here is my favorite...maybe it's the toggle...but it just seemed to fly right together. Why is it you have to fight with some to get them done and others are just done so easily? I have fought so hard with a purple one..which is a shock...I normally love anything purple...then to find I can't finish it until I get a silver colored toggle only adds to the frustration with it. I wonder why this happens? I am trying so hard to build up a bracelet stash for a later craft show and am still fighting with how to set it up. A 6 foot table becomes a monster to fill when you have 2 inch cabs!!! lol. I am thinking of setting the table up as a vanity...I have a bracelet tree, a necklace tree and thought a cute little Easter tree I bought would look cute for the earrings to hang off of. I have 4 wooden jewelry boxes that I can take the drawers and open them to reveal the cabs hiding in...oh I just don't know...any ideas out there??? I think my kitchen table is 6 foot so maybe I should do a few trial runs on it and let you all vote!!! That means I better go make some cabs...or this sale will be only bracelets!!! Have a great day everyone!
Monday, April 11, 2011
I think I need to learn a new stitch!
Yep....think I should learn a new stitch....this is what I have done with this stitch so far...have 3 more on the bead board in various stages of completeion. My personal favorite was the first one (middle on left) but it got quickly replaced by the very bottom one.
With very few additions I made my $10.00 bead allowance from Artbeads go far enough to complete all 3 of the bronze colored ones. I also have enough left over beads to make earrings to match the bracelets. I was at first concerned with pricing, with all the things I do with the cabs I really didn't want to tackle another expense. I am so pleased though to know that this might not always be the case but for my first time out it's a wonderful learning experiance with minimal cost.
The bracelet at the top is going in my daughters Easter basket. Bless her heart at her age she still wants to be a kid and being mom...well do they ever get to old to baby once in a while? Since she doesn't read my blog she won't know so shhhhh...it's a secret!
We had such a beautiful day here yesterday...although windy the temps soared to the upper 70's. I was blessed enough to get out for a bit and enjoy it but it only made me greedy for more. Today is not co-operating...it's back down to the 50's with wind and rain...a perfect day to make more bracelets!
Hope you all have a wonderful week...big hugs
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