Monday, April 11, 2011

I think I need to learn a new stitch!

Yep....think I should learn a new stitch....this is what I have done with this stitch so far...have 3 more on the bead board in various stages of completeion. My personal favorite was the first one (middle on left) but it got quickly replaced by the very bottom one.

With very few additions I made my $10.00 bead allowance from Artbeads go far enough to complete all 3 of the bronze colored ones. I also have enough left over beads to make earrings to match the bracelets. I was at first concerned with pricing, with all the things I do with the cabs I really didn't want to tackle another expense. I am so pleased though to know that this might not always be the case but for my first time out it's a wonderful learning experiance with minimal cost.

The bracelet at the top is going in my daughters Easter basket. Bless her heart at her age she still wants to be a kid and being mom...well do they ever get to old to baby once in a while? Since she doesn't read my blog she won't know so's a secret!

We had such a beautiful day here yesterday...although windy the temps soared to the upper 70's. I was blessed enough to get out for a bit and enjoy it but it only made me greedy for more. Today is not's back down to the 50's with wind and rain...a perfect day to make more bracelets!

Hope you all have a wonderful week...big hugs


  1. Nice to be hooked on a stitch for awhile. LOL
    Wow 70's that is a dream here.
    Have a great week

  2. Gorgeous Beth! I went flat spiral crazy too when I first learned it..Saturday we had a gorgeous Sunny day in the mid 50"s..Yesterday it was cloudy with sprinkles-still in the 50 degree area..Today 44 degrees and rain...Come on Sunshine..

  3. They are lovely, well done for staying in a budget too. I try to keep my beading costs down too, although it doesn't always work too well!
